Reggio Emilia & Montessori
At Earth Kidz, our talented and dedicated educators draw on a variety of “tools for discovery” as a meaning to create rich and stimulating age appropriate activities directed at advancing your child’s early development. The educational approach at Earth Kidz Early Learning Centre is inspired by, and uniquely based on, key elements of:
- The Reggio Emilia approach: this approach emphasizes creative play-based programming. It offers children a playful, happy, and stimulating learning experience that draws on the “The hundred languages of children”. These “languages” encourage learning and self-expression through drawings, sculpting, play acting, painting, body movement etc.
- The Montessori philosophy: this philosophy emphasizes independence, initiative, social and emotional well-being and respect by creating opportunities for collaborative play and hands on learning. It views learning as a lifelong experience that benefits from the creation of environments that encourage a child’s natural desire to acquire skills and knowledge.
Curriculum: Goals and Activities
At Earth Kidz, our Emergent Curriculum are carefully and thoughtfully created and led by professional Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) and experienced instructors. They are designed to support our children’s learning and well-being through five developmental domains: Social, Emotional, Language, Cognitive and Physical.
As a professionally licensed child care centre, we value and foster an atmosphere that is pro-social in nature. In relation to this, we promote interpersonal skills and encourage behaviours that show empathy and compassion for others. Moreover, we believe in the importance of teaching children to be cognizant of, and have respect for, the feelings of others. While these skills have application throughout life they are particularly valuable in bringing resolution to minor conflicts which occur as part of the normal interactions of children generally.
At Earth Kidz’s, we are proud of the innovative curriculum we follow. It consists of a range of activities that encompass Arts & Craft, Music & Dance, Language & Literacy, Social & Diversity Sensitivity, Dramatic Play, Sensory Play, Construction Play, Physical Fitness and, to the extent practicable, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Numeracy).
At Earth Kidz, we are acutely aware that environmental influences impact the extent to which children are engaged and the level of learning that is received by them. Appreciation for these influences shapes some of the Centre’s main features. These include:
- positive student/teacher interaction
- nutritional lunches and snacks
- an environment that is welcoming, safe and relaxed, and
- a venue that is exceptionally functional and aesthetically pleasing.
In relation to this latter attribute, we undertook an extensive renovation to our premises in Summer of 2018. As part of this, we carefully considered a variety of configurations for the existing space and renovated or redecorated everything from flooring to paint colours to furniture texture and design to the way in which supplies and toys are stored.
Our play areas include a range of high-quality child-accessible furniture in a variety of coordinated colour assortments as well as a wide selection of newly purchased high-end toys that are sure to bring smiles to the faces of all of our children.
We are confident that the attractive child friendly environment created by our decor choices is the perfect setting in which to promote learning while ensuring the safety and well-being of children in our care.
Children are social beings and their everyday life and learning is directly related to the nature, extent of their experiences, and interactions with educators, parents, other children and the community.
At Earth Kidz, we welcome parental collaboration, questions, and involvement and view parental feedback as vital to the success of our learning programs and the happiness and well-being of our children. We encourage communications between parents and educators and sincerely appreciate any ideas, thoughts, or views you may have that could lead to improvements in our child care operations.
We meet kids where they are.

An opportunity for young learners to safely and confidently explore their surroundings in a clean, caring, and enabling environment.

A calm, secure, stimulating and inclusive environment that fosters preschoolers’ independence, concentration, cooperation, order and creativity.

Before & After School
Availability depends on overall enrolment

Occasional Care
Availability depends on overall enrolment